The following question is one I was given as part of my St Stevens application I thought I would post the answer but this one is slightly different ok quite a lot different by the ideas are the same, this is all a bit raw so some of it may not make sense I thought it I edited it, it would take something out of it a bit.
b. If you had no restraints of time or money, how would you like to spend your life?
If I had no restraints on time or money there are two main project I would love it set up, these two things I feel God has really put on my heart I juts feel at this point in my life its not appropriate. I also feel God has given me a passion (to coin the phrase) for the last least and the lost (personally I don’t like this phrase but I feel it best indicates how I feel in a brief way), I want to spend my time with the people no one else would even think of working with.
In this I have two main ideas of how I could do this, of course they are not set in stone and I don’t know the first thing about how I would go about them but these are the ideas I would develop into my life’s aims.
Firstly I want to set up a ‘church’ (ironic I know) for the spiritually battered and bruised the people who believed and attended church for a time however never fitted the mold and having had a negative experience of Christians, Christianity and church, the people who were left by the way side for what ever reason.(This is the lost). I feel that in today’s Christian culture is all about condemning people they have done wrong we must convert you to boost our church numbers and I hate it I really feel like you should spend your time protecting your existing flock if they are happy they in turn will show a positive refection of Jesus in their everyday lives. Many pastors measure the successes of the church on the attendance numbers the amount of money in the offering bucket each week or the amount of property their own (we aren’t playing monopoly) what ever happened to the days of letting God provide for you, if its of his work the resources will come. I think that the devil is playing a lovely little trick with churches as soon as they buy property they are no longer relying on God they are financially stable, you could put it down to changes in culture it can be put down to a number of things really.
(The last and the least) this ambition of mine is to be reflected in my youth work I feel there are too many young people who are deemed unworthy of support may they be the shy quite one that’s just plodding along therefore isn’t in need of help or the ones who no one wants to work with because they cause too much trouble; I would love it set up a youth group that caters for the needs around it, no strop to big, this in my mind will probably be in a deprived part of the country but at the end of the day that’s up to God and if its his work he will provide directions and the resources. Given the chance to this is how id spend all my life, may it be in the back seat later on watching the seeds I have sown blossom (yuck more cheese than the deli I have) or the front line where does it matter where I am if I’m doing Gods work, its not about personal gain so it doesn’t matter.
So how would you spend your life if you didn’t have constraints on time or money?
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