Tuesday, 16 January 2007


isnt it strange how we view life? the way we treat our friends the way they treat us, its amazing that everyone has an ability connect with someone within a few seconds of meeting some one, the way we interact with them. but why does society define what is right between friends? is it strange for a girl to have many guy friends but yet have no attraction to them. why is it that some people cant define what is too far an a friendship, some people have an inability to know what is right and wrong until then end up getting hurt. one of my friends recently has become too close, where if this was i guy i wouldn’t mind i could deal with that and at least there are people to gain advice from but i have an obsessive girl telling me she loves me and kissing me and just generally being strange with me, i have finally realised after 16years of my life and talking to many useless people that at the end of the day it’s a lot easier to be straight with someone (no pun intended) and be your self and let them get over it rather than making it in to a big deal. i suppose in the last few weeks i grew up im getting there slowly

1 comment:

bobweasel said...

Sounds both interesting and a bit scary! But you're right, it's always best to be honest and up-front with people. That doesn't mean it has to be blunt and rude, you can be tactful and truthful. Anyway, good luck!