Last night i woke up at about 2.30 and made a random connection, if you call your friends and family your rock does that mean that in the song Almighty God by Tim Hughes, it says "if we did not praise the rocks would cry out" could this technically mean if we don't give our lives to God our Christian friends (our rocks) would cry out? Random thought ay? lol.
On other stuff life is a bit busy at the moment it's coursework time of year which i always bad, and i have to write my personal statement which is equally just as bad, its really difficult to big your self up to the extent the teachers want you too there is only so much talking out your bum you can do. I'm going to book my first driving lesson when BSM ring me back. And finally i have to create a film for B and E week at college that is going to be funny! teehee!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Monday, 18 June 2007
Egg Box Post
A while a go i wrote all over a small chocolate egg box, these words were of encouragement and love (mainly love). This is one of my random pieces of "art" work.
This box when i gave Dave it was bright purple. Over time the box has faded and changed into a pale plain gray box, but once opening it it revealed that bright colour it once was. Me and Dave started talking about the significance of this box after talking about it for i while i went home. It got me thinking, does love really ever fade? When it appears dark, faded and washed out on the outside is it still on fire somewhere deep inside. I don't think that love ever does fade (this may make me naive?maybe) i believe there is always that spark no matter how long it has been since it was seen. I just may be hidden beneath a layer of issues, but i think every relationship that has truly experienced love there is always something to work at.
And there i started to think about the interference of the sun, the interference of any other person or people in the relationship. If that box had been left out of the sun it may have not faded or certainly not as quickly, is this why relationships fade so quickly especially the ones in the public eye ? The box is never opened... they never rediscover why they fell in love in the first place...
Friday, 15 June 2007
Birthday Surprise

Yesterday, Dave took me to london for the day with me not quite knowing what was going to happen. We jumped on the train (and quite a few hot, smelly tubes) and had a magnificent day.
We started by going to Tate modern where my phrase for the day was "Grow some culture man!" I was a bit disappointed that there was no big slide. From there Dave took me to a lovely restaurant where we had dinner overlooking the Thames, we then re-crossed the Millennium bridge (but I couldn't make it sway, no one told me that they fixed it :-( ). Then we went and had look at St. Paul's and promptly jumped back on a hot train (yuck! I hate the tube) and went to my surprise destination
//cue music that build suspense//
We walked down Dury Lane (but couldn't find the muffin man, or even a muffin - that's my childhood dreams shattered), ohohoh... I managed to majorly embarrass Dave by singing "Have you seen the muffin man." Rock and Roll! We had a look round Covent Garden, all the little boutiques, and then finally too my surprise....
//cue drum roll//
Ahhh, it was so amazing, I really really really recommend it. We sat in the first four rows with amazing views of the Blue men. I think one of the best bits was at the end when they pulled our huge amounts of (recycled) loo roll over our heads, and I got scared by a Blue man grrr...we jumped on a few trains home, only to find Stuart Bellamy at Victoria station (who was "going to the pub" teehee). We even managed to grab some chips and got to Slam before it started.
One intense, but hugely amazing, day!
PS. This post has been guest edited by Dave, because Rosie doesn't like his keyboard!
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Conversations and Views
Last night at work i was having a conversation with someoneand somehow we got from talking about Nijas to relationships and in this sex in relationships i dont quite know how it happened but it made me realise how it must be being in an 'active' relationship and the insecurities that come along with it.while we were talking about this he asked about me and Dave his reaction was "why is he with you if he is not getting any?what does he see in you?" nice ay ? after we talked about this he was saying he has never been in a relationship where he KNEW she was with him for him. i just thought this was really sad. society has changed so much that i have become the one being looked upon as sad not him, i think there is something wrong there.
Monday, 11 June 2007
i am outraged i got some PEZ and its nothing like i remember it doesn't even shoot them out anymore.:( what is this world coming to?
i got my provisional woo the streets are no longer safe well as of the 23rd of June :P im excited !!!!broom broom!
finally monkey update i finally had my monkey wars and there isn't anything more i could ask for in a monkey:)
Oh and Ben i emailed the other Mars Hill, thank you! i'm just waiting a reply!
i got my provisional woo the streets are no longer safe well as of the 23rd of June :P im excited !!!!broom broom!
finally monkey update i finally had my monkey wars and there isn't anything more i could ask for in a monkey:)
Oh and Ben i emailed the other Mars Hill, thank you! i'm just waiting a reply!
My one o'clock post
Last night i couldn't sleep(whats new)so decided to write a blog post in the dark at one this morning...(it sound and can be taken in quite a depressing way but is not meant to be)
Recently i have realised that nothing in my life is permanent, after finishing my A levels i don't HAVE to do anything, nothing is set in stone i can do almost anything i want to(depending on my braces may mean i cant travel)
With this in mind i have been thinking a lot about where I'm going to take my life and where it will lead me. it came as a revaluation to me at about half one that there is no point worrying and thinking about it give it to God he will deal with, open doors, close others and give me true direction to my life the way HE planned it not my way.
As i was thinking and praying about it i got that awful feeling you get when you know something you have been trying to ignore has come back. for ages now i have had that horrible feeling i am being poked into something. The church... i don't know what in the church but a church somewhere... which i think is quite ironic considering my views on the church and womens roles in the church.ha !
but the reason i am publishing it is to ask you to pray about it for me, and in the words of Dave "pray where your spirit guides you". this is quite a scary thing for me I'm giving the rest off my life to what i feels is right no plans no nothing. so please pray and let me know...(just in case 'm really ignoring what is really trying to be said) Thank you
Recently i have realised that nothing in my life is permanent, after finishing my A levels i don't HAVE to do anything, nothing is set in stone i can do almost anything i want to(depending on my braces may mean i cant travel)
With this in mind i have been thinking a lot about where I'm going to take my life and where it will lead me. it came as a revaluation to me at about half one that there is no point worrying and thinking about it give it to God he will deal with, open doors, close others and give me true direction to my life the way HE planned it not my way.
As i was thinking and praying about it i got that awful feeling you get when you know something you have been trying to ignore has come back. for ages now i have had that horrible feeling i am being poked into something. The church... i don't know what in the church but a church somewhere... which i think is quite ironic considering my views on the church and womens roles in the church.ha !
but the reason i am publishing it is to ask you to pray about it for me, and in the words of Dave "pray where your spirit guides you". this is quite a scary thing for me I'm giving the rest off my life to what i feels is right no plans no nothing. so please pray and let me know...(just in case 'm really ignoring what is really trying to be said) Thank you
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Email to Mars Hill
A few months ago i had a very vivid dream about a gap year, in a church called Mars something, i had this dream again a few nights ago, so i decided to email Mars Hill, the worse they could do was confirm the details in my dream. At the time of having the dreams i thought it was a bit strange as i don't generally remember them, but this dream was really vivid like i said i was at a church called Mars something and was greeted by a women called Karen, this woman had long blond wavy hair, who started talking to me on a red sofa.. its strange what you remember. But i got an email saying that they don't run gap year internships and didn't know of a women called Karen. Which put an end to that one...
Friday, 1 June 2007
Driving and my monkey

OK lets tall about the most important bit first my monkey i got an email today to say he has just been sent so the long wait is almost over.
Secondly driving... well in about a month i will legally be able to drive so Dave said he would let me have a drive of his car, it was in his garden don't worry. but i have decided that driving is slightly harder than it looks! it may take me a while before i pass so your roads are safe for a
Just to add to that i spent another half hour driving again and maybe its not so hard as long as you do things systematically. check gears, turn on, clutch 1st hand break go! not as easy as one two three but close...
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